Absolute Window Position of Unity Application
Is there a way to get the absolute position of a unity application? We're running our project on WIndows 7, so platform independancy isn't needed at all. Also it can be a little hacky, it's just a port...
View ArticleSpecifying a game object by height or width or length instead of localScale
Is it possible to specify the dimensions of a gameObject by an absolute metric coordinate, such as 50m or something like that, instead of localScale (relative)?
View ArticleRelative and absolute values problem
Hello everyone. I have an object which is randomly instantiated on the x axis at a position between x = - 4 and x = 4. Once it is instantiated i would like it to start a loop movement between x = - 4...
View ArticleMove character to abolute z position
I need to move a character to an exact z position but the same x and y I tried this newZPos = 1.5f; transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, newZPos) but all it does...
View ArticlePIE disabled. Absolute addressing error!
After upgrading to mountain lion with xcode 4.5 and unity 4.0.1, from snow leopard and unity 3.5, having this issue - PIE disabled. Absolute addressing I went through all forum and got no answer for...
View ArticleAbsolute Rendering Pause
Hello i am creating a game that runs as a static installation all day in a kiosk system, it is restarting in a complex scene that remains to be a still image until some button input. i would like to...
View ArticleSubtracting Mathf.Abs values
When I set the absolute value of a variable to another variable, repeat that process, and try to subtract the two I get a MissingMethodException regarding UnityEngine.Mathf.Abs. For example: var...
View ArticleHow to make SpringJoint maxDistance absolute?
Hi, I am instantiating GameObjects at random positions at runtime. I am then adding SpringJoints between some of these GameObjects. After being instantiated at random positions, I want the GameObjects...
View ArticleParticle system absolute speed on a plane?
Hi I want a particle system to generate particles which always has a speed of say 5 but which are then emitted as a plane. As of now I have the velocity over lifetime set to 20 and -20 for X and Z...
View Articlehow to convert absolute path to relative Application.DataPath
GetFiles function returns this path: **E:/Users/Tuone/Downloads/CharacterCustomization/CharacterCustomization/Assets\DressingroomExample\dressing_room\textures\floor_wood.tga** how do i convert it to...
View ArticleGet absolute position of vertex in shader
I am trying to clip my object based on an absolute plane or distance, however I am unable to get a value that is not directly tied to the camera position and rotation. here’s basically what I want to...
View ArticleAbsolute character movement and collision
Hey guys, I'm making a really simple Bomberman clone, just for practicing purposes. In it's most basic form it exists of a top-down 2D view of a character walking around in a grid. My problem however...
View ArticleArgument `#1' cannot convert `bool' expression to type `float'
Hey quick question - how do I fix this error : **Argument `#1' cannot convert `bool' expression to type `float'** This is the line of the code: motion *= (Mathf.Abs(input.x) == 1 &&...
View ArticleUsing Unity Behind proxy
Hello! We are working in big company and we are behind proxy. We cannot disable it but we can add rules for specific ip addresses and protocols. Can somebody give me a list with all ip addresses for...
View Articlecomprehension question: relative/World Location
Hello, why, once you nest the objects, the transform of this object is smaller than at world. For example, if I nested something a few times, the value x is smaller or does not move as far as if I did...
View ArticlePlace child GameObject at absolute world position
I've been developing in Unity for years and I can't believe I'm stumped by something that should be very simple. I want to instantiate a GameObject and place it at a world position but I also want to...
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